Access to Books

Some mind-boggling quotes from Stephen D. Krashen’s The Power of Reading: Insights from the Research 2nd Edition (2004):

“The total number of children’s book titles available in the two low-income neighborhoods was 358 (one title for every 20 children) in one and 55 in the other (one title for every 300 children). In one high-income neighborhood, 1,597 titles were available (.3 per child). Comparing the print-richest and the print-poorest, high-income children have 4,000 times the number of titles available” (quoted in Krashen from Neuman and Celano’s 2001 study, 69). 

“In our Beverly Hills/Watts comparison, we found that the classroom libraries we inspected in Beverly Hills averaged about 500 books; those in Watts, only about 50.” (Krashen 71).

These quotes just make me want to cry.